M6 Swivel Eye Bolt – 200 lb Capacity


Working Load Limit (WLL)
Capacity in Tons: 0.1 ton/200 lb



SKU: 121-50906 Category:


RUD M6 Swivel Eye Bolt

RUD Chain VRS-F StarPoint, M6

RUD-Chain Inc has improved on the traditional eye bolt with the development of the StarPoint. The StarPoint swivel eye bolt is the perfect solution to eliminate the unsafe and rigid style eye bolt. It is designed to adjust to the direction of the pull so that the working load limit (WLL) is never diminished.

The distinct florescent pink powder-coating changes color when temperatures exceed 200 degrees Celsius.  At temperatures of 400 degrees C and above, the color will change to a deep black with small bubbles indicating that it has been over-heated. The StarPoint is rated the nominal WLL or the working load limit at the worst case scenario. It surpasses the standard eye bolt when it comes to over-all performance and capability.

The unique star-shaped design of the StarPoint allows it to be unitized in a way that is not possible with the standard eye bolt. The pull on the standard eye bolt is restricted to the plane of the eye. However, the StarPoint VRS adjusts 360 degrees to align with the direction of pull. A non-vertical lift with the standard eye bolt can cause the eye bolt to bend and break, possibly resulting in damage to the load or bodily injury.

The StarPoint will cost more than the conventional eye bolt, but is an economically wise choice in comparison. The StarPoint is available in a variety of sizes and is priced between a forged eye bolt and a swiveling hoist ring. It the perfect choice for preventing valuable loads from being damaged and eliminating unsafe lifts.

  • Working Load Limit: 0.1 ton/200 lb
  • Product Weight: 0.15 lbs.
  • Manufacturer Name: RUD
  • Returns: This item cannot be returned due to safety risks.

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