Privacy Policy

Slings Unlimited, LLC values the users, you, of our website, Your privacy interests are very important to us. We recognize you may be concerned about our collection, use, and disclosure of the personally identifiable information (personal information) that we collect when you visit and order the products offered on our website. This privacy policy describes the information that we collect, how we collect this information, and what we do with it after we collect it. By using, you are accepting the practices described in this privacy policy. If you have any questions or comments regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at

What Types of Information Does Collect?

Personal Information. We collect personal information that is provided to us, such as names, mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, credit/debit card numbers, and financial information.

Non-Personal Information: We also collect non-personal information, such as browser type and where you heard about us. Non-personal information cannot be easily used to personally identify you.

How & When Does Collect This Information?

Providing Information To Us: We collect Personal Information when it is provided it us. For example, if you purchase a product sold through, we may collect your name, mailing address, telephone number, credit/debit card number, and email address.

Communications With Us: If you communicate with us regarding services, we maycollect any information provided to us in any such communication.

Analytic & Reporting Technologies: Like the proprietors of most websites, we use analytic and reporting technologies to record non-personal information such as internet domain and host names, internet protocol addresses, browser software, operating system types, click stream patterns, and the dates and times services are accessed. We also contract with several partners to help manage, monitor and optimize services and to help us measure the effectiveness of our advertising, communications and how visitors use

How Does Use My Information?

Personal Information: We use personal information solely for our own internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating and improving services, producing and shipping products ordered and providing second-to-none support. We’re in the business of selling rigging products, not personal information.

Non-Personal Information: We us non-personal information to track the use of services and for other internal purposes, such as providing, maintaining, evaluating and improving the services offered by

When Will Disclose Information to 3rd Parties?

Disclosure to Successors: We may disclose your personal information to any successor-in-interest of ours, such as a company that may acquire SlingsUnlimited, LLC. In the event Slings Unlimited, LLC goes through a business transition, such as a merge, acquisition by or with another company, or sale of all or a portion of assets, personal information will likely be among the assets transferred. You will be notified via email or by a notice on of any such change in ownership or control of your personal information.

Disclosure to Unaffiliated 3rd Parties: We may disclose your personal information to prevent an emergency, prevent harm to others, respond to legal requirements, to protect or enforce Slings Unlimited, LLC’s rights and policies, protect or enforce the rights of a 3rd party, or as required or permitted by law (including, without limitation, to comply with a subpoena or court order).

Disclosure to 3rd Party Service Providers & Partners: We may contract with various third parties who help us provide, maintain and improve We also contract with several partners to help manage, monitor and optimize (SEO) and to help measure the effectiveness of our advertising, communications and how visitors use the website. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent such third parties from disclosing your personal information, accept for the purpose of providing the services outlined herein. We cannot guarantee that such third parties will not disclose your personal information. Slings Unlimited, LLC does not share, rent or trade your personal information with third parties for their promotional purposes.

Disclosure of Non-Personal Information: We may disclose non-personal information, in aggregate form to potential strategic partners, advertisers, investors, customers, and others. You may not opt-out of the sharing of this information. However, it cannot be easily used to identify you personally.

Does Protect Personal Information?

Personal Information: Whenever we obtain your personal information, we use commercially reasonable efforts to provide it from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, we are not insurers of the security of your personal information. Accordingly, we assume no liability for any disclosure of data due to errors in transmission, unauthorized third party access, or acts or omissions beyond our reasonable control.


The security of your personal information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information such as a credit/debit card number and/or Social Security number on our registration or order forms, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology (SSL).

We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmission and once we receive it. However, no method of transmission over the internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee it absolute security.

Does this Privacy Policy Apply When Accessing 3rd Party Websites?

Third part websites may be accessed directly from This privacy policy does not apply when third party websites are accessed. We cannot control how third parties may use personal information disclosed to them, so you should carefully review the privacy policy of any third party websites visited before using it or disclosing your personal information to its provider.

Can You Opt-Out From Receiving Communication from

If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters and promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by emailing us at

If we disclose your personal information to a third party in a manner that is not set forth in the privacy policy, you will be notified so that you can make an informed choice about sharing your personal information with that third party.